Wednesday, August 17, 2011

i should be getting ready for work

so....i haven't done a good job so far of keeping up with this thing.  figures.  i'm really only posting now because i feel bad for this poor little, neglected blog. 
audrey has started to smile!  it sure melts a momma's heart when you see the tiniest little grin on the face of your baby.  typically, momma's only have to wait about a month or so to see the beginnings of a smile, but i've have to wait almost 17 weeks!  i'll need to go back many months and blog about all of her trials....soon, hopefully soon. 
drew will be 2 at the end of next month.....and boy howdy, we have abruptly arrived in terrible twoville.  i'd like a one-way ticket back to cute town please.  yikes.  nonetheless, i love that stinker.

i've just discovered pinterest after a good friend told me about it's wonderfulness.  it has not disappointed me.  i'm already addicted.  i've been pinning all morning.  i definetley should be cleaning my house and doing all of the laundry that i've let accumulate over weeks and weeks (seriously), but looking at photos of designer homes is way more fun.  if you have no idea what i'm talking about (mom) go to

ok, now i've got a crying, hungry baby to feed and i still need to get ready for work.  bye!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Another Iron in the Fire

Well, I guess I'm finally doing it......A BLOG.  I suppose I was beginning to feel left out.  Seems like everyone and their grandma has a blog these days.  Recently, I've started following several really great blogs, and truth be told...I LOVE THEM.  I don't really have anything interesting to write about, but I know that talking about the boring day-to-day things makes me feel better, so here's to hoping that writing my thoughts down will do the same.  I'm not eloquent.......i can't spell very well.....i sit and stare at a blank screen for waaaay too long before coming up with anything to write........and i use these [......] dot dot dots way.too.much.  Hopefully I can continue to post frequently, but as the title suggests, this is another iron in my fire.  The fire that is currently burning hugely out of control in the middle of the strictly enforced BURN BAN. 
And since the blogs I follow all have pictures in almost every post to keep it visually interesting, I will do the same:)  These are my beautiful kiddos - Paynefully Beautiful :)

...........well hmmmm, i cant get it to upload another picture for the life of me....not sure if i'm just not doing it right, or if something is wrong with it:(  guess I will just leave you with a photo of Drew.  Audrey feels so left out.  Will try again soon.  Thanks for stopping by!


Okay, i finally got it to upload again.  I had to publish then go back to edit it???  Someone help this newbie out!   Anyway, here she is...

told ya she was beautiful